10 June 2010

Morgan Stanley Pulling Out Of Atlantic City Revel Casino Project

Morgan Stanley has dealt yet another blow to the Atlantic City casino industry after announcing that they would be pulling out of the stalled Revel casino project.

Bally's Turning To Mechanical Bull Prop To Increase Casino Business
In Atlantic City, casinos are doing everything they can to create some type of interest in their gambling industry. Bally's Wild West Casino is renovating their casino and hoping the addition of a mechanical bull will spur interest.

Beach Lures Gamblers To AC Casinos On Memorial Day Weekend
What the casinos could not do on their own for the past couple of years, Mother Nature did this weekend. AC casinos received a boost in customers thanks to the great weather for beach-goers during Memorial Day weekend.

Snow Buries Atlantic City Casino Revenue In February
The last thing the Atlantic City casino industry needed was a harsh winter, but that is exactly what it got. Consequently, revenue continued to tumble at the city's eleven casinos in February.

Atlantic City Casino Revenue Stabilizes In April
After many months of torturous revenue results, Atlantic City casinos finally have something to look forward to. In April, revenue stayed close the same month from 2008, and that was good news for the city's casino industry.

Atlantic City Casinos Putting New Jersey Residents Back To Work
It has been a rough couple of years for the Atlantic City casino industry, but in April, the casinos have put over 500 people back to work after a successful job fair was held.

Battle To Begin Monday Over Casino Expansion In Atlantic City
Senator James Whelan will propose legislation on Monday that, if approved, would bring four new casinos to Atlantic City. There is expected to be plenty of resistance, however, from existing casinos.

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